Colin Appleton

THOMAS LANG –  Tom has been our Chief Flying Instructor (CFI) since October 2023.  He’s still in his early 20’s, but has attained flying and instructing skills and experience well beyond his years.  Tom has risen to the challenges and responsibilities of running the training operations of our busy flying school.   He is a great example of the ‘next generation’ of full-time, professional and highly skilled RAAus CFI’s.  He has accrued considerable experience, flying and teaching, across a wide variety of RA and GA aircraft and has much to offer our students and instructors.  Tom just loves teaching and his passion is infectious for our student pilots and our team of instructors, allowing SCFS to deliver the highest RPC training standards available.

COLIN APPLETON  Colin is co-owner of the Sunshine Coast Flying School (SCFS) and was the RAAus Chief Flying Instructor (CFI) up until October 2023 when he moved to the Deputy Chief Flying Instructor (DCFI) position, stepping aside for the promotion of Thomas Lang to the CFI position.  Colin is one of Australia’s most experienced aerobatics instructors and specialises in teaching Basic Aerobatics, Competition Aerobatics, Spin Prevention & Recovery, Upset Prevention & Recovery (UPRT) and Emergency Manoeuvre (EMT) training.  Under Colin’s coaching the Sunshine Coast Flying School has produced more State and National Aerobatics Champions in the Graduate and Sportsman categories than any other flying school in Queensland.  He is also a highly skilled and experienced Recreational Aviation Australia (RAAus) former Chief Flying Instructor (CFI) and an RAAus Instructor Trainer (IT).

Colin Appleton
Colin Appleton

LEWIS (LAWRIE) STEVENS – Lawrie has been flying for over 30 years.  He is co-owner (with Colin) of the Sunshine Coast Flying School.  He holds a CASA CPL and RAAus Senior Instructor Rating with many endorsements including spinning and low level (500′) aerobatics.  He loves competition aerobatics and was the 2018 Australian National Aerobatics Graduate Category Champion, flying our fantastic Robin R2160 aircraft.  However, Lawrie is equally at home teaching our student pilots to become safe, skilled and confident pilots.  With a teaching degree he knows how to really engage with his students and make the learning process effective and fun.

MARK DAVEY – Mark joined our instructing team in September 2023.  He was fairly new to instructing in RAAus aircraft then, but his CASA Grade 3 instructor rating helped him adapt quickly and now he is equally at home teaching in both RA and in GA aircraft types.  Mark is available to teach our RPC course students most week days and weekends from our training base at Gympie (Kybong) Airfield.  Mark also owns his own aircraft and has many years of aviation experience to share with our students.  Like all of our instructors, Mark is passionate about flying and teaching his students to a very high standard.


SONJA CONWAY – Sonja joined our Instructor Team early in November 2023.  She gained her RPC at 15 years old and her instructor rating at just 18 years old.  At the time, this made her Australia’s youngest flight instructor!  Obviously, to achieve this, Sonja’s determination, love of aviation and flying skills had to be well above the average!  Sonja is great with our younger student pilots who are typically more relaxed and learn quicker with an instructor that does not have grey hair and an intimidating deep voice!!

CHRIS BEVES – Chris just loves ‘flying’ and that passion rubs off on his students! Chris completed his Instructor Rating and aerobatics training / coaching at SCFS with our CFI, Colin Appleton.   Still in his 20’s, Chris was the 2018 Australian National Sportsman Category Champion flying our awesome Extra 300 with incredible skill and accuracy.  He is keen to teach our students, young or old (but young at heart!), to be the best pilots they can be.

Colin Appleton
Colin Appleton

BRENDON LE CLERC – Brendon is also one of Colin’s former students.  He holds an RAAus Instructor Rating and  has been trained in advanced handling skills by CFI Colin Appleton and therefore holds CASA spinning and aerobatics endorsements.  Brendon is an experienced RA and GA pilot and a highly skilled and safety conscious instructor.

All SCFS Flying Instructors are professionals, hand picked by Colin Appleton.  They are all highly skilled and experienced RAAus Instructors and most are experienced competition aerobatics pilots too, so you can rest assured that you are in very safe hands.

If you have any questions regarding flight training at the Sunshine Coast Flying School, contact Colin to arrange an informal one-on-one chat with him or one of his Instructors.